Friday, September 13, 2013


Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13 and avoidance to use it; it is a superstition and related to a specific fear of Friday the 13th, called paraskevidekatriaphobia

Well, no I do not fear the number thirteen, nor do I fear Friday the 13th. Mare and I were married on the 13th and every seven years, in theory, our anniversary falls upon Friday the 13th. Jack was born on the 13th, too. We planned it that way. Just kidding, we did not plan Jack's birth for the 13th. It would have so much more cool if we had, though.

We've made it through to the end of another week of school teaching 10th graders. I've counted all my fingers and I'm not missing any, so I guess this week must be considered a success.

Tonight, I'll be a member of the "chain crew" on the opposing team's sideline for the varsity football game. I'm steeling myself to face tomorrow's chore where I'll be working all day at scoring freshman volleyball. That's a heck of a lot of volleyball. I'm certain at some point tomorrow I'll determine the money I'm being paid is just not worth it, but it's too late to back out now.

That leaves Sunday to grade papers and prepare for next week. I hope I'll find the time to chill with my boys and Mare. Actually, I know I'll make time for that; student assignments be damned!

Sorry for the strong language.

Temperatures have gone down some, so now it feels more like fall and I've already noticed some trees beginning to turn colors and soon we'll have 10 cubic yards of leaves in our yard with which I'll need to do something.

Our house has finally been infiltrated by mice. Not cool. We've been catching them every night in traps. I'll need to go on full seek and destroy and preventative measures in order to stem this unwelcome pest. For seven years we've lived there, and just this year we've gotten mice. Perhaps their presence is in part due to our jungle of a backyard garden we grew this summer.We're careful to keep the counters and floor clean of bits of food and such, but there are other rooms and we have three kids who like to snack on the go and leave behind their Hansel and Gretel trails, which the mice, no doubt, have found.

I've read about some architects numbering their floors without the 13th. Isn't that interesting?

Take care. All blessings to you and yours and all our mutual enemies, too.

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