Friday, September 20, 2013

The closing days of summer

This Sunday, I'm told, at approximately 3:45, the official end of summer will have arrived. Likewise at 3:46, presumably, the beginning of Autumn will have arrived; or fall, if you prefer. What does this mean for us? Probably it doesn't mean a heck of a lot, truth be told. However, it marks the 38th fall I'll have experienced to date. Granted, I took no notice of the first several autumns to happen in my life, but I notice them now. Fall, autumn, is probably my favorite time of year. I like them all, the seasons, for what each has to offer in their own way, but I have special place in my heart for the end of summer.

I suppose I like fall so much for all the usual cliche' reasons: the colors, the temperatures, the smells. Do I like it for any other reasons that aren't readily available to any other citizen? I don't know. I guess I should have prepared more for this entry, but I didn't. Instead I simply started typing my thoughts. Well, look how that turned out.

Of course that means winter is on the way and the start of a prolonged season of cold weather. I do tire of cold weather by the end of winter, but I enjoy it in the beginning. This post, however started out about the approaching fall, not the impending winter.

I'd like to write that I will have a symbolic end to my own summer and the arrival of fall will coincide with my own end of __________ (fill in the blank). I'd like to make some changes in my life and I need to decide what those changes will be. I have yet to settle upon what exactly to change. Perhaps the change will be that I pursue something, rather than doing something different. Perhaps it will be that I and my family will do new things without a drastic change to the old...things (for a lack of a better term).

As much as I'd like to institute a drastic change, I'm sure the wise thing to do would be to make small adjustments, so the changes will be effective and less traumatic. Then again, jumping in with both feet into some sort of drastic change might be much more fun and adventuresome.

Change, of course, is good. Change is also often a violent, painful experience. At any rate, I'll try to keep you abreast of anything that develops. Presuming, naturally, there is a change of some sort in which to report.

Adios for now. Enjoy the fall weather while it lasts. All of you have all my love and I pray God's blessings upon you and yours and all our enemies in Niagara proportions.

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