Sunday, September 1, 2013

A long overdue return

I avoided looking at and therefore learning of the date of my last update on this blog. I know the knowledge of how long it has been will be cause for shame and regret. Shame that I did not tend to my responsibility (as far as a blog can be considered a responsibility); and regret that I did't just take a few moments every so often to just post something for crying out loud! I am fully aware of the throngs which follow this blog and who hang upon its every word and their anticipation for another post is similar to the fans of a music act during an extended period between albums.

Listen to me; albums. As if! Is that even the proper/correct/accurate term for musicians these days? Do musicians continue to produce "albums"? Someone let the rest of us know in the comment section at the conclusion of this post, after they've conducted a quick Wikipedia check. Thanks.

What I can tell you about my hiatus from blogging could take up pages and pages and pages of writing, but I'm not sure there is a payoff for reader nor writer. Marian knows I can write. I mean that quite literally. She knows I am capable of putting words and sentences and paragraphs upon page after page, be it yellow legal paper, college ruled notebook paper (loose or spiral), Microsoft Word pages, blog pages, backs of paper sacks from the hardware store and lumber yard, sticky notes, index cards, stationary, receipts and just about anything other writing surface. Except wide ruled notebook paper. I can't write on that stuff.

There's been school in our family. Me teaching English at the High School; Jack attending first grade at Lincoln Elementary. Leo will begin attending a part time preschool. Henry enjoys looking at books a lot, if that counts as school. We've still not cut Henry's hair, so people often mistake him for a girl, though he clearly is dressed in boys clothes.

Today is Marian's birthday. Yesterday we had her parents over for lunch. Marian baked her own cake and iced it and she aided the boys as they sprinkled sprinkles upon it and decorated it with other methods. I taped up red, blue, and yellow streamers in the kitchen and the back porch. I also used the pump to inflate a handful of long squiggly balloons and lit the correct number of sparkle candles upon her birthday cake. I grilled out a couple dozen chicken legs that was sort of a spicy barbecue, 8 or so ears of corn (just put them in on the top tier of the grill, above the chicken; don't remove the silk or husks, either one), heated up canned baked beans on the stove top and served the pasta salad Sharon brought to share. I also forced Marian to wear her "happy birthday" tiara and "birthday girl" pink button ribbon. We played dominoes and Sharon won that. Of course we had her chocolate birthday cake with white frosting along with our choice of french vanilla or Bordeaux cherry chocolate ice cream. 

Today we're probably going out to eat lunch for Marian's birthday and we may find another little activity to go and do as a family since the morning's clouds and sprinkles seems to have gone away and is being replaced by the bright yellow sun and thick humidity of one of the hottest weekends of the summer.

In an attempt to force myself to show up here and update it more frequently, I'll try to enforce a limit on my verbosity, for your sake as a reader who values time, and myself who also values time and needs the practice of knowing when to bring things to a close and to just leave some stuff out! Along those lines I bring this long overdue blog post to a close. It should go without saying, but I will write these words so as to remind you each of your importance to me and to direct God's blessings upon each of you whom are either friends or family or both, and upon all  of those whom are important to you, as well as upon all our enemies as well, in heaping, overflowing, pressed down, and shaken measures!

Absence has certainly made the heart grow fonder.

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