Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just a quick entry

Good morning folks! At least it's still morning at the time of writing. It looks to be a gorgeous day. If you didn't know already, last week marked a couple of seasonal mileposts: first, the autumnal equinox occurred. This means it's one of the two days a year when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. Since that happened, the days have been getting shorter than the nights. This will continue until the winter solstice, which is the shortest day (or the longest night) of the year. Secondly, there was a full moon nearly on the equinox, which made it the harvest moon; so called, I gather, because in years past farmers who were more in touch with the seasonal changes utilized the closest full moon to the equinox in order to do some catching up on harvesting into the night. Or maybe that's a wive's tale and it's just the full moon closest to the harvest time. Anyway, I lived my whole life hearing these terms and never really understanding what was happening until relatively recently as an adult.

We're all fine and dandy here in "O-town". You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you are affluent in your equinox. Because the earth is on the axis getting ready to switch to longer nights. You can balance an egg only because of the balance of the earth on its axis. So your neice did such a thing. She balanced an egg on the concrete. Took the egg out of the refridgerator and balanced it on the concrete. Pretty cool. I would send a pic but I don't know how to tag it on here. I'll email it to you! Love you!
