Friday, November 19, 2010

Eager anticipation

Thanksgiving is less than one week away! My family is excited to be invited to my sister's in Oklahoma. We plan to stay a couple days and we're looking forward to some holiday memory making! I might even dig around in my closet to find some "seasonal apparel" like this one:
That would be stylish, I know, but I don't know if I can pull it off as well as this guy does. 

After a little bit of thinking, we've decided to go ahead and remove Jack from the Baldwin City Children's Choir. We decided it was just a little advanced for him and he clearly had grown to dislike it. We've noticed he already has made up his mind that he won't try another one. We hope he'll overcome this aversion and in the future be able to join in a choir a little more suited to his age. We can't forget that Jack had about two months or so of attending these meetings and rehearsals, so that's a good experience in and of itself. In a three year old's perspective, two months of weekly rehearsals is a long time!

Wasn't I just more than a little annoyed when I went to drain the tub this morning after my bath (yes, I still have yet to install everything necessary for the use of the shower, so sue me!) and it drained very slowly. Not only that it didn't sound the same. Instead of the familiar gurgle I've grown accustomed to hearing from the four inch vent pipe in the corner, I heard the toilet bubbling. The bath drain was venting up through the toilet. I don't know exactly what that means except my plumbing is not "breathing" correctly. This caused no small amount of frustration on my part, case in point this generic "expression of frustration" I found on google images:
We've experienced this problem before in the past and it required us to have the plumber come out and run the "snake" (sorry mom, it's this thing the plumber is using)
not one of these you can see by clicking on these words.
I expect we'll have to pay to have this done yet again. It's nearly a semi annual event. I guess I thought it would improve once I re-plumbed the bathroom, but I guess I should have known it's further out where the tree roots grow that's causing it.

Tomorrow I'm driving to Overland Park to attend the KanBikeWalk annual meeting and participate in the pre-meeting ride with "other interested individuals". I've not much idea what to expect. I hope to have an enjoyable ride with like-minded individuals, learn something from the meeting, hopefully I'll get to network a little bit with people in the industry. I'm interested in being an advocate for cycling. I think it's a good thing for the U.S. because of the health benefits, for one. If you haven't noticed the U.S. has alot of "trunk space", i.e.:

I'd like to see more education for vehicle drivers and cyclists alike apprising each group of the rights and responsibilities of sharing the road with bikes. I also like the idea of creating a nationwide network of bicycle routes. There's more, but I don't need to go political on anyone here. I try not to make riding my bike political, but rather just make it about enjoying the experience and making it safe so I won't get ran over!
 Anyway it should be a good experience I'm looking forward to.

The boys are both good and are a joy to be around. Leo is really finding his personality. I can't wait for him to play with his cousins down there in Ok. Jack is doing better sleeping all night in his own bed. He's taken to waking several times in the night and having me tuck him back in until I get up for the day when he moves into my spot in our bed. I think he just doesn't know when morning is and when I get up and he just comes in to see if I'm out of bed yet so he can take my spot. We're working on it and we'll get it worked out.

I hope everything with you is well and we pray blessings on all of you our friends and all our enemies as well.

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