Monday, November 8, 2010

Does this mean we'll pay later?

I presume everyone who may happen upon this blog and read it experienced the same golden, lovely weather as we did here in northeast Kansas. The mornings were clear and cold and gradually warmed up to an ideal 69-70 degrees. The sunlight was fantastic and it lit up all the gorgeous leaves still on trees; reflected off each water surface; and made the sky just this indescribably beautiful shade of wispy blue. A gentle breeze from the south kept a person from overheating and fall smells floated to a person's nose on it from unknown sources.

We tried to take advantage of the beautiful weather as much as we could. Saturday, I walked in the Ottawa Veteran's Day Parade on behalf of Franklin County United Way. I walked in front of our members and the participants in the member agencies, helping to hold the FCUW banner. We waited quite a bit longer on the side street to enter the parade than we actually spent walking in the parade. Mare said it was a good one.

She and the boys went to the parade along with her dad, mom, and brother. They all attended the parade and then we retired back to the house to eat frozen pizzas. They stayed for a bit of the afternoon, then they left. We had some good conversations and company. Mare had rearranged the living room, so it was set up differently and gave a good open floor place.

After they left and the boys were bathed and put to bed, we watched a movie.Jack woke us several times in the night. He's been in this habit lately. He wakes up and doesn't want to go on back to sleep. Instead, he comes and opens up our bedroom door and just stands there, until I escort him back to tuck him in. It makes for three grumpy, tired people in our house: Jack, Mare, and me!We're trying a few different things to get him to sleep through the night.

Sunday, I fixed breakfast and then spent about an hour running the mower over the bed of leaves in our yard. It was overdue for a mowing and the mower acted as a mulcher of sorts. It did well enough to make the yard look better.

Afterward, I made a couple repairs to Mare's Mossberg bicycle. We, then went for a short ride directly into the wind. After we turned around and were virtually pushed back by the strong wind, we stopped by our friends' house for a bit. We left there just as dusk was creeping over the land.

We're trying to take advantage of these last nice days, because very soon they'll be gone and replaced with icy and bitter cold.

We have great kids and we're truly blessed with good family. We love you.

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