Friday, October 8, 2010

Nothing Golden Stays . . .

Some of you may recognize that saying "Nothing Golden Stays", or something to that effect. It was probably made famous by the gang of ragamuffins and rapscallions which constitute the characters which make up the classic young adult book by S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders. It's actually from a poem by Robert Frost which one or more of the characters quotes in the movie. It's an allusion.

I chose the quote as this entry's title because of the quickly changing weather. Today, and each day of this week previous has been sunny, golden, and warm. I want to remind each of you to get out there and enjoy it while it lasts. Not too long from now the weather will likely be cold and wet, followed by  cold and dry, trailed by really, cold, and possibly intermixed with really, really, cold and snowy. So, get out there and rake your leaves into a pile and burn them if it's safe and admissible where you live. Get out and go for a walk and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Get out there and, of course, go for a bicycle ride. Go for a motorcycle ride. Go for a ride on a horse. Go for a ride on a hay wagon. Carve a pumpkin. Throw a football around. Take your kids to the park. Do something to enjoy this awesome, mild weather.

School this week went along just like a well oiled machine. We were even treated to a cookout today, on Friday for lunch. The first quarter is virtually over. The school year is mostly breezing by, which must indicate I am having fun. Well, that may be a stretch, but it's not miserable. I have much better kids this year than last year. The new schedule seems to make the day go by quicker as well.

Mare will be going out for a much needed girls night out on Saturday night. So, that means we'll simultaneously be enjoying a boys night in at home. Mare works way harder than I do and she almost never has a day off, so she deserves a fun night with adults. She'll be going to a free concert of some kind and hanging with her bff Lisa.

I've been doing some research this week about how to accumulate wealth, and I'm giving you all fair warning: my family is going to be rich. I'm speaking "in faith" here. This is rather new to me. I've never been one to let money concern me. Part of that is because I'm blessed with a rich dad; literally and figuratively. He tried his best to teach me to be a rich son, but alas, as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Although dad was willing and able and in fact tried to teach me financial literacy, I chose not to engage in it or apply it. Well, that's all changed. Part of my education is reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It's a book I highly recommend.

I keep a list of "prayers", if you will, with me all the time to remind me of my goals and, again, speaking in faith. It's too bad I waited until 35 years old to do this, but I'm focusing on the future and the now. If I apply myself for the next twenty years, my family will be rich and I'll only be 55. I can become a millionaire, literally, in that time.

So, you've been warned.

I have a great life. It's only going to get better. Love you all.

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