Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Holiday Wrap-up

Hello everyone. Today I am 35 years old. You should all take a moment to congratulate yourselves (or sympathize) on making me who I am. Each of you had a part in it. I hope to be just half as good of people as each one of you are. To make it a memorable day of sorts, I opted to walk to school today. It's kind of a selfish thing to do as it allows me about 90 minutes of solitude. I underestimated the difficulty of walking over and through snow, but I easily kept warm.

Snow blanketed everything over the holidays, and continues to do so. We were happily snowed-in for three or four days over Christmas, with full cupboards and refrigerator.

Santa made an appearance at mom and dad's house. He was a big hit.

Mare and I made it to 12:30 new year's eve. There was a big full moon that night, mom said it was a blue moon because it was the second full moon of the month.

I must say I'm blessed with a warm house, loving family, and full tummy. Really, is there more important things to be found in life?

My wish and prayer for all the people I know, and for my friends and family of course, and even for my enemies, is this: I wish you all abundant, overflowing, heaped-up blessings of prosperity and well-being, everyday.

Let's make it a good year!

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