Good morning class! I took this picture just for mom: my first day of school. Look at me. Just look at me, would you? The top half of my wardrobe consists of entirely "previously owned, gently used" clothing. The blazer, I think is from grandpa Jim. The shirt and tie are definitely his. The tie is so old it is from "Hatch Town and Country Fashions, Humboldt, Kansas". I've never even heard of it before. But it's just like new and I've received some compliments on it. I think I'm the only one, besides one administrator, to wear a tie. The previous two male teachers who occupied this room before me, wore ties daily. I thought I'd keep up the tradition, even though I'd never worn one before to work. But, as my colleagues pointed out, one of those teachers resigned to go teach in Korea, the other one was canned at the end of last year, so, I don't know what that means for me.
I received my bike tires from FedEx last night and hurriedly installed the front one, which had been flat for two weeks. So, I was able to ride my bike on the first day of class with students. I'm sure I looked like Mr. English Professor riding my bike looking like this with my helmet on, and my backpack tucked into my front wire basket. I'm ready to go in spirit and attitude, even if not fully ready in materials and planning. I guess I could use this time more wisely to prepare for school instead of writing on this blog. Wish me well!
L O V E I T !!!!!!! you go brother!