Here it is a sunday and the weather is just gorgeous for any time of year, let alone August!
The high for today is 72. Last night was plumb cool. Plumb cool, I tell you. We built a fire in our outdoor fireplace; our neighbors drifted over to talk with one of their little girls. All of us (our family) went up to the Franklin county court house (the historic one no longer in use, designed by noted Kansas architect George Washburn, on the historic square) for me to audition for Act Ottawa's production of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". You may remember that novel of hers, the only one she wrote, her first naturally, which one the Pulitzer Prize, from your freshman English class. Themes: racism; growing up. I auditioned for a "medium" role, not the most important, but not the least. I'm looking forward to it.
I was able to take Jack on a bike ride in the trailer both today and yesterday. I'm trying to work all the kinks out of this Takara three speed bike.
The first day of school is complete. We started off on the right foot in all the classes. I only have one class that will be really low performing. But, I think the couselors beleive I'm these students' only hope at success. Everyone at the high school is starting off with a positive attitude. Should be a good year. Next week we'll have the monday off for Labor day.
Marian's birthday is on tuesday she'll be . . . well, she'll be entering the final year of a particular decade, let's just put it that way.
I've been asked to be on the Franklin County United Way board of directors as a representative of USD 290. I'll begin with a meeting on tuesday night. I think it will be a good opportunity for me.
Below, I've included some random pictures from off of our camera of different days and activities from the summer and more recently.
I hope everyone is doing well. We love you all and hope your autumn is getting off to a good start.
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