Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back ai it: 8/30/09
Here it is a sunday and the weather is just gorgeous for any time of year, let alone August!
The high for today is 72. Last night was plumb cool. Plumb cool, I tell you. We built a fire in our outdoor fireplace; our neighbors drifted over to talk with one of their little girls. All of us (our family) went up to the Franklin county court house (the historic one no longer in use, designed by noted Kansas architect George Washburn, on the historic square) for me to audition for Act Ottawa's production of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". You may remember that novel of hers, the only one she wrote, her first naturally, which one the Pulitzer Prize, from your freshman English class. Themes: racism; growing up. I auditioned for a "medium" role, not the most important, but not the least. I'm looking forward to it.
I was able to take Jack on a bike ride in the trailer both today and yesterday. I'm trying to work all the kinks out of this Takara three speed bike.
The first day of school is complete. We started off on the right foot in all the classes. I only have one class that will be really low performing. But, I think the couselors beleive I'm these students' only hope at success. Everyone at the high school is starting off with a positive attitude. Should be a good year. Next week we'll have the monday off for Labor day.
Marian's birthday is on tuesday she'll be . . . well, she'll be entering the final year of a particular decade, let's just put it that way.
I've been asked to be on the Franklin County United Way board of directors as a representative of USD 290. I'll begin with a meeting on tuesday night. I think it will be a good opportunity for me.
Below, I've included some random pictures from off of our camera of different days and activities from the summer and more recently.
I hope everyone is doing well. We love you all and hope your autumn is getting off to a good start.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I received my bike tires from FedEx last night and hurriedly installed the front one, which had been flat for two weeks. So, I was able to ride my bike on the first day of class with students. I'm sure I looked like Mr. English Professor riding my bike looking like this with my helmet on, and my backpack tucked into my front wire basket. I'm ready to go in spirit and attitude, even if not fully ready in materials and planning. I guess I could use this time more wisely to prepare for school instead of writing on this blog. Wish me well!
Monday, August 17, 2009

I have plenty to do to prepare for students for half the day tomorrow. I'd better get to it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
All of the USD 290 teachers reported back to work today. Some looked a little different. Almost all I knew had something to say about my hair cut. Generally, everyone looked tan and slimmer. I still have much to do to get prepared for school to start.
I'm bummed because I can't seem to get my school computer to work correctly and do everything I can get my older school laptop to do at home. I'm trying to figure it out because I want to incorporate some technology into my classroom lessons. I guess it'll be solved in time.
Yesterday, Marian began watching another little 2 year old boy. He and Jack had a blast together. Jack is good at sharing and not bossing. They must have played quite a bit, because Marian said they both ate quite a bit. She is scheduled to watch him about three times a week until October.
I'm bummed because I can't seem to get my school computer to work correctly and do everything I can get my older school laptop to do at home. I'm trying to figure it out because I want to incorporate some technology into my classroom lessons. I guess it'll be solved in time.
Yesterday, Marian began watching another little 2 year old boy. He and Jack had a blast together. Jack is good at sharing and not bossing. They must have played quite a bit, because Marian said they both ate quite a bit. She is scheduled to watch him about three times a week until October.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A lengthy ramble on the weekend's events among other things
Hey all. It's Monday morning on the 10th of August. I'm writing this at the high school. I hooked up my computer and needed to check out all the systems and take it out for a drive to blow the cobwebs out of it and what better way to do that than to make a new post on the ole' blog.
Jack came up here with me on Saturday to do a little initial organizing of the room. He is a big help. I'd promised him a McDonald's Happy Meal, but when we turned the bike and trailer onto the bike path I got a flat tire (ugh!) I'm having fits with flat tires on my bikes, let me tell you, but I just ordered some high dollar tires off the internet last night and they should take care of that problem when I get them. Anyway, we ate a Happy Meal at Dairy Queen instead and we had just as much fun. Marian came and picked us up and she and Leo joined us for lunch.
Speaking of bikes, I was stopped at a lighted intersection in downtown Ottawa by a grizzled looking cyclist fully loaded down with saddlebags in back and in front who said he was pedaling from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine. He was on his way to a local state park to camp for the night. Someday, I'd like to do something like that.
I've got a new room at the high school. It's not as big as my former room., it does not have any student computers, and it's regarded as the black sheep of all the English classrooms; but, I love it because it has two big wall height windows looking into a courtyard of sorts. I plan to get that courtyard looking good and hopefully be able to utilize some student labor to do so while learning English related content in the process.
After hearing a couple of stories about newborns being born with severe complications and disabilities, Marian and I took a few moments to thank God for healthy children. When I hear some parents complaining about their child's hair color or eye color or height, weight etc. I remember those parents who are not able to hold their children for however long, because they are in an incubator or must be rushed off immediately for surgery. We are truly blessed to have healthy children. God provides all we have. None of it is from my own hands.
Well, I've been sidetracked by blogging this morning and in the meantime, boxes need opened and the rest of the room needs organizing. I suppose I should walk down the halls and see if any of my teaching buds are here too. Most of them will wait until the last possible opportunity to arrive back at the school. Me, I'll probably be here all week and wait to get anything done until the last possible moment. It's going to be the best school year so far. Let's get it on!
Jack came up here with me on Saturday to do a little initial organizing of the room. He is a big help. I'd promised him a McDonald's Happy Meal, but when we turned the bike and trailer onto the bike path I got a flat tire (ugh!) I'm having fits with flat tires on my bikes, let me tell you, but I just ordered some high dollar tires off the internet last night and they should take care of that problem when I get them. Anyway, we ate a Happy Meal at Dairy Queen instead and we had just as much fun. Marian came and picked us up and she and Leo joined us for lunch.
Speaking of bikes, I was stopped at a lighted intersection in downtown Ottawa by a grizzled looking cyclist fully loaded down with saddlebags in back and in front who said he was pedaling from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine. He was on his way to a local state park to camp for the night. Someday, I'd like to do something like that.
I've got a new room at the high school. It's not as big as my former room., it does not have any student computers, and it's regarded as the black sheep of all the English classrooms; but, I love it because it has two big wall height windows looking into a courtyard of sorts. I plan to get that courtyard looking good and hopefully be able to utilize some student labor to do so while learning English related content in the process.
After hearing a couple of stories about newborns being born with severe complications and disabilities, Marian and I took a few moments to thank God for healthy children. When I hear some parents complaining about their child's hair color or eye color or height, weight etc. I remember those parents who are not able to hold their children for however long, because they are in an incubator or must be rushed off immediately for surgery. We are truly blessed to have healthy children. God provides all we have. None of it is from my own hands.
Well, I've been sidetracked by blogging this morning and in the meantime, boxes need opened and the rest of the room needs organizing. I suppose I should walk down the halls and see if any of my teaching buds are here too. Most of them will wait until the last possible opportunity to arrive back at the school. Me, I'll probably be here all week and wait to get anything done until the last possible moment. It's going to be the best school year so far. Let's get it on!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday, Aug. 7, 2009: Back from the great outdoors
The family took a camping trip to Woodridge campground this week. We left on Tuesday late afternoon, drove 30 or so miles to Clinton Lake on the West side of Lawrence. We took so much we had to take two vehicles! We only planned on staying two nights, but we had enough ice and food leftover, and no plans for Friday, so we decided to stay Thursday night as well. It was on the border of being just too dang hot. We staved off the heat by cleaning up with soap and a washrap pretty frequently. The weather was actually pretty mild. Jack absolutely loved it and played as hard as he could until dark then would crash in the tent until morning. Leo is a camper too, and didn't fuss too much until Thursday night when he couldn't quite get comfortable. We took a bunch of pictures, so you should expect to see some of them posted before too long.
Well, I'm going back to school next week. It will be nice to be back on a schedule. I've learned we now must report to the school by 7:15 a.m. each school day. It's only fifteen minutes more, but it seems like it will make a difference to my schedule on how I get around. I already rode my bike to school in the dark most of the school year, this will make it even more likely to be dark when I ride.
I read with interest an informational flyer sent by our district's senator how we the Kansas voters will vote to decide to reword the right to bear arms wording in the Kansas Constitution. I'm unsure if it strengthens or weakens it. It is much more specific in nature.
This weekend I hope to finally put the very last finishing touches of painting on what I've left to go on the house. I might go up and visit my school room tomorrow, Saturday to put some things in order.
It's been a great summer and for all practical purposes has drawn to a close. We have one more big weekend in Labor day coming up. We traditionally do another big campout at Woodridge with Marian's parents to celebrate her birthday, but she said today if it's above 85 degrees, we might break tradition.
That's the Broyles' family news: nothing exciting, just the everyday life that will make for great memories for us, and hopefully a great upbrining for Jack and Leo.
More to come . . .
Well, I'm going back to school next week. It will be nice to be back on a schedule. I've learned we now must report to the school by 7:15 a.m. each school day. It's only fifteen minutes more, but it seems like it will make a difference to my schedule on how I get around. I already rode my bike to school in the dark most of the school year, this will make it even more likely to be dark when I ride.
I read with interest an informational flyer sent by our district's senator how we the Kansas voters will vote to decide to reword the right to bear arms wording in the Kansas Constitution. I'm unsure if it strengthens or weakens it. It is much more specific in nature.
This weekend I hope to finally put the very last finishing touches of painting on what I've left to go on the house. I might go up and visit my school room tomorrow, Saturday to put some things in order.
It's been a great summer and for all practical purposes has drawn to a close. We have one more big weekend in Labor day coming up. We traditionally do another big campout at Woodridge with Marian's parents to celebrate her birthday, but she said today if it's above 85 degrees, we might break tradition.
That's the Broyles' family news: nothing exciting, just the everyday life that will make for great memories for us, and hopefully a great upbrining for Jack and Leo.
More to come . . .
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A lunchdate with Jack
Here's a short vid. of Jack just eating a lunch of leftovers from Ponchos. It's just a little bit of the everyday life people don't get to see which is just alot of fun.
Catching up on all the biz-ness
Well here it is Tuesday the fourth of August already. I'll try to recap what we've all been up to, though really I can only speak for myself. I've been putting the finishing touches on the south side of the house with paint, mowed once (exciting stuff isn't it?). Jack and I camped over at Pomona Lake at the Adams Grove campground last Wednesday night. We had the entire campground to ourselves as noone else was out there. Jack had a blast letting his "pushcart" roll down the boat ramp into the water where it would start to float and he'd wade in to fetch it. He also likes watching the boats unload and load onto and off of their trailers.
We also went to Lawrence to Sunflower Outdoor and Bike shop to get mom a present. It was rainy and we'd brought along Jack's porta-potty because he was only wearing his underwear. He went potty in the back of the car on it in the rain.
Friday, we drove down to grandma Bonnie's house for polish sausages and the usual fare for supper. Becky and Randy came and mom and dad of course. We had cake and home made ice cream for mom's 61st birthday. She doesn't look a day past 29! We all had a nice visit there.
Saturday we'd planned all week to have dad come up to Ottawa to help install guttering on my house, but he had some sub-standard work performed by an employee he needed to correct and asked if I'd help him on Saturday instead. So, I went to Colony, Kansas and helped turn some wrenches with him and another fellow. We all ate at the A&W in Iola.
Sunday, all of us drove to Lawrence again for Marian to meet a lady at a park to purchase a twin size bedspread she'd found on Craigslist. Sunday night, Jack and I went to Garnett, Kansas and camped with a fellow I teach English with, and his two kids. I took the canoe, but Jack didn't like it, so one of the other guy's kids was the lone passenger. Oh, well. He'll come to like it in time. Yesterday, Monday, after we arrived home, we basically all needed rest, so rest we did.
All of us are to go to Lawrence tonight to Clinton Lake, at Woodridge Campground and camp with Marian's mom and dad. Oh, I hope it's hot and sticky. NOT!
Good news, everybody. Marian and I are finally going to see a dentist after 10 years or more for each of us. Our teeth are not falling out of our heads or anything, but they're overdue for some loving. We'll go today before we head out to the campground.
I've got about a week before school begins again. After this campout, I'll focus in on that.
Leo is rolling over and is just as cute as he can be. He slobbers alot. Probably because he's teething. He smiles alot at us and is a pretty happy baby. He's the calm one of the two.
That's all for now, I'll update when I can and will be a little more regular with it once school starts.
We also went to Lawrence to Sunflower Outdoor and Bike shop to get mom a present. It was rainy and we'd brought along Jack's porta-potty because he was only wearing his underwear. He went potty in the back of the car on it in the rain.
Friday, we drove down to grandma Bonnie's house for polish sausages and the usual fare for supper. Becky and Randy came and mom and dad of course. We had cake and home made ice cream for mom's 61st birthday. She doesn't look a day past 29! We all had a nice visit there.
Saturday we'd planned all week to have dad come up to Ottawa to help install guttering on my house, but he had some sub-standard work performed by an employee he needed to correct and asked if I'd help him on Saturday instead. So, I went to Colony, Kansas and helped turn some wrenches with him and another fellow. We all ate at the A&W in Iola.
Sunday, all of us drove to Lawrence again for Marian to meet a lady at a park to purchase a twin size bedspread she'd found on Craigslist. Sunday night, Jack and I went to Garnett, Kansas and camped with a fellow I teach English with, and his two kids. I took the canoe, but Jack didn't like it, so one of the other guy's kids was the lone passenger. Oh, well. He'll come to like it in time. Yesterday, Monday, after we arrived home, we basically all needed rest, so rest we did.
All of us are to go to Lawrence tonight to Clinton Lake, at Woodridge Campground and camp with Marian's mom and dad. Oh, I hope it's hot and sticky. NOT!
Good news, everybody. Marian and I are finally going to see a dentist after 10 years or more for each of us. Our teeth are not falling out of our heads or anything, but they're overdue for some loving. We'll go today before we head out to the campground.
I've got about a week before school begins again. After this campout, I'll focus in on that.
Leo is rolling over and is just as cute as he can be. He slobbers alot. Probably because he's teething. He smiles alot at us and is a pretty happy baby. He's the calm one of the two.
That's all for now, I'll update when I can and will be a little more regular with it once school starts.
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