Monday, May 3, 2010


Here it is the third day of May 2010, and I notice I haven't updated since the ninth of April! What a slacker! And, I've used three exclamation points already in the first three sentences!
We're busy, but not any more busy than the rest of you out there, maybe even less busy than all of you, but it seems busy to us. I've been scorekeeper for a few varsity baseball double-headers. I finished my second-to-last class in my master's program and will begin the last class on Wednesday. This upcoming May 23 will be my commencement ceremony for the master's program from Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas. I haven't done any acting or talent type stuff lately.
I've been trying to keep up with the yard work, mowing, weeding, treating etc. I'm slowly formulating a plan on how to attack and remodel our bathroom, with Marian's help.
We've taken the entire family on a couple of bicycle outings: Marian pulls Jack in the trailer, and I carry Leo in the front seat. Yes, a seat that straddles the top tube of my bicycle and sits behind the handlebars. It's pretty fun having them both out for a ride.
Yesterday we watched Marian's friend's kids; all four boys. So, we had a nice play date for the six boys present. I had the fenced in yard all mowed down to look nice. I even drug the canoe into the yard for them to play in. We took them all to the park and when we arrived back home, we made ice cream cones for the four oldest. I think they all had fun and played hard.
Mom and dad have been gone for quite a bit on their motorcycle trip to the east coast. I've been getting little updates from mom, but haven't spoken to her fully in close to two weeks. I'm sure they're getting anxious to get on home by now.
It's sunny today and looking good outside. A pleasant breeze looks like it's blowing. I think rain is in the forecast, though.
Wow, I was able to summarize nearly a month's activity in a few short paragraphs. I'm sure anyone reading this is thankful for that.

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