Yes, it's true. Our family has lived without a shower for, I don't know, three years, I suppose, if I thought about it. We have been bathing in our bathtub as a way to preserve our good hygiene. It was a project i started about five years ago, I suppose and I completed a great deal of it, but never did acquire the shower surround, nor the wall mounted light fixtures for above the sink and mirror.
Well, over the recent spring break I enjoyed, I installed the shower surround and mounted and connected the lights, mounted another wall mirror, and hung a cabinet, too. Sweet Thing hung up a nice looking shower curtain and, I swear, it looks like an honest to goodness, legitimate bathroom when we walk in there.
I still have some things to do. For instance, Sweet Thing wants a shelf built and installed. I also need to repair a few dings in the wallboard I made when I wrestled the surround into place. Also, Sweet Thing wants the bathroom repainted. And the toilet paper dispenser installed. But, did I mention, we can take a shower now?
Thing Two celebrated his fifth birthday, and we invited his grandparents and some friends of his over for birthday cake and ice cream and to play in the yard. We did that over this past Saturday. Once they all left, we drove to Topeka to visit the zoo for an hour or two, then let the boys play in Gage Park, across the street. They had a blast in Gage Park and played until dark and it became too cold.
Monday was his true birthday, so we reserved some presents of our own for him to open in the morning before I left for school. I didn't get to see him after school, because I am the freshman class sponsor and the freshman class is responsible for operating the concession stand for the spring soccer games and track meets, of which there was one on Monday after school. I got home too late to say goodnight to the boys on that day. Thing Two got some cool gifts, like a light saber I would have loved to have had as a kid; rollerskates; and a pogo stick. He's a good kid, that Thing Two.
I also have agreed to play another role in another play. The director for ACT Ottawa contacted me desiring for me to play the role of Francis Flute in A Midsummer Nights Dream. I knew of auditions and their production, but I had refrained from participating due to the demands it makes upon me of my time and the stress it places upon Sweet Thing when I am gone even more than I already am. Anyway, I thought I'd better say yes when opportunities arise of this nature, so I agreed. It will be the first time I will dress as a girl, in any situation, as far as I remember. Francis Flute is a man in MSND, who is cast to play Thisbe (a woman) in a play they put on for the king and queen. So, it's a play within a play, and I'll be playing a man who has to play a woman in a play. The scenes I'm in are meant to be funny, so I'm trying to get our little scenes to be as funny as we can.
I'll try to remember to upload some Youtube videos of different productions of it, so my innumerable readers (10) can watch them and get an idea of what I'll be doing.
May the month of April shower blessings upon all of you my friends, and all my enemies, as well.
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