Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sister, sister

Yesterday was my sister's birthday, so I'd like to wish her a happy birthday: Happy birthday sister!  (I thought I better not use her name for cyber security reasons). She's been a good sister to me. I would supply all my droves of readers (10) with pictures of her and us from our childhood or our adulthood, but I have no pictures to share, sorry.

I'll share a story with all of you (10) that's from my sister's and my childhood:  when I was little, I didn't like steak. I know, go figure. Anyway, I would chew it, but I wouldn't swallow it, because my dad pretty much made me try it. Often I would receive derision from my family for "storing" my chewed up pieces of steak in my cheek; chipmunk style. Well, once I had removed said chewed pieces to the side of my plate and my big sister, always the surrogate mother, wished to make a point by stabbing one of the pieces onto the end of her fork and eating it, along with the admonition "You're wasting perfectly good pieces of steak!"

What a satisfying experience to reveal to her what she'd just stuck in her mouth and where it had been.

As I said, I don't have any pictures of my older share on the internet.

The sun is starting to peek its head out. That makes me happy. The snow is almost completely melted. That also makes me happy.

Blessings upon you.

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