Of course, I did receive a genuine Holiday break from my job of teaching English. Not only did I receive the following Friday off work, but I also enjoyed the previous Wednesday away from the classroom as well. I'm blessed with that work schedule.
That previous Wednesday I rose early, early in the morning in order to drive and arrive in Humboldt by 7 a.m. I took good old Shelby along for the ride.There I did some cleaning out of the garage on a property that my aunt Betty and grandma Irene have been rejuvenating. I spent the day with Betty doing some improvements on the inside as well. We installed flooring . . . on the wall. I did some cobbling and installed some mopboard along the walls of a couple rooms. I didn't want to do too good of a job, otherwise it would look out of place with the rest of the house. It's a budget renovation, therefore should avoid investments of time or money when possible.
Grandma Irene treated us to lunch at Humboldt's H&H grill. Betty and I were joined by her son Dusty and his daughter Janae. Over a great cheeseburger and susy q's, I spoke briefly with Shawn Clounch. He looks and sounds just like his dad, my former little league baseball coach.
Around two thirty or so I became antsy to get back to Ottawa to see my own family, so I took off in a huff. About Colony dad called me saying "You forgot your dog!" Oh my gosh! She'd jumped in grandma's car to visit her house, and they were gone when it came time for me to go, and I just plain forgot her. I confirmed with grandma it would be okay to have Shelby stay the night, and continued driving on home.
At home, I indulged in a bit of a rest since Jack and Leo were both napping. Then, when Jack got up we did some serious playing with his cars. After a while, the nice sunlit day was hearkening for us to get outside and enjoy it, so we loaded up on the Hawthorne (my bicycle I resurrected from my Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Frank's auction pile, after grandpa died). We rode to Forrest Park, located beside the beautiful Marais des Cygne river, which is French for Marsh of the Swans. Jack played and played until just before dark. Back at home, we ate supper and prepared Leo and Jack for bed. Shortly after, Marian and I prepared ourselves for bed as well.
Thursday morning (Happy Thanksgiving!) we rose and got around in record time (for us) to travel to Humboldt again. We arrived a little after ten a.m. and spent some time catching up with my sister Clarie and her husband Dusty, who'd driven up from Ada, Ok. the night before. Their girls Macy, oldest, and Kali came with them (naturally) and their youngest, the boy Tuker. Tuker and Jack busied themselves playing. Kali and Macy played with Jack, too. But, they really were interested in Leo. Those girls are just the sweetest little things and they're the best cousins for our boys. Tuker is a boy, so I won't call him sweet and embarrass him. I'll say he's a fine young boy full of the curiosity and spirit that comes from good parents and a healthy country upbringing. Mom and dad's kitchen was full of giggles and kids' footsteps all morning. I could tell they relished having both their kids and their kids' families all there together.
It was a brisk Thursday, yet sunny and not too bad out of the wind. But, the wind was sharp and biting. Clarie and I visited Grandma Irene and handed down some of her stored Christmas decorations for her to access. On the way back to mom and dad's we were treated to a truly pleasant sight: Tuker and Jack in waist high grass trying to pull a little red wagon. They were having a ball trying to pull that wagon through the grass and falling down on the big cushion-like tufts of tall grass.
The food was delicious, of course. We ate our fill and retired to the chairs for some good conversation.
On Friday I went back to Humboldt and did some more work at the house on Central street. Not alot, but a little. Mom and dad went to Springfield so dad could pick up his brand new motorcycle. Once I returned from Humboldt, our family went to the local thrift store and purchased a few Christmas records to play on our record player. Since we were there, we allowed Jack to pick out a new car. He chose a police car. He likes police cars and emergency vehicles.
It was a great Thanksgiving break. I love getting to see both sides of the family. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I think most everyone did.
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