Good morning. It's Friday morning June 4. The attic fan has been cooling off the house quite well and made for some good sleeping. . .for Jack and I. Leo decided he needed to be awake and fussing several different times during the night, so that meant Marian also was up and fussing several times in the night. Jack and I slept like logs. Jack came bounding in to get in bed with us around 5:30 or so. It's a tight squeeze in the bed with the three of us.
Leo is already dressed for the day, I did that, and picked out his clothes. Jack came in as I was typing this to get changed into outside clothes for the day. They're out enjoying the cool morning in our little fenced in backyard.
I took some footage of Leo being Leo and stumbling about a little as he learns to walk. He can do quite well and take upwards of a dozen steps or more across the room. He's very proud of himself and looks to us as if saying "look what I can do!" Plus his own little unique language is pretty cute too.